How To Memorize The Periodic Table Easiest Way Possible Video 2
How to memorize the periodic table 10X faster - Video 2. Elements 6 to 10. Watch the first 20 element 'memory hack' videos for free at • Or learn ALL 118 element names in our new series of memory hack videos at • How do you memorize the periodic table in the fastest and easiest way possible? You use the natural power of your visual memory. • We offer an easy way to memorize the periodic table. Memorization of the periodic table with our breakthrough 'Dopamine+ Memory Hack' video series takes just hours, so memorize the elements now! • Most people only know the typical techniques to memorize using your verbal memory – acronyms, acrostics, rhymes, associations and songs. Those techniques can be great for remembering small amounts of information, but they don’t take advantage of the dramatic improvements to your recall when you activate your visual memory. • How to Memorize the Periodic Table | Memorizing Elements • • The fifth element was Boron, which you recall by imagining a bee starting to bore on the balloon with its stinger. • 6. Carbon • The 6th element is Carbon, which sounds like “car bomb”. This is going to be an interesting one. After the balloon has been drilled or “bored on” by the bee, imagine the balloon suddenly explodes. Because the balloon is holding up the hydrant, the hydrant plummets out of the sky and lands on an army jeep. Visualize in your head what this would look like. As the hydrant is quite heavy and it has fallen from a great height, it makes an enormous “bang” as it smashes into the jeep. Bits of broken jeep go flying everywhere and it shocks everyone walking by. People cry, “Oh my gosh, it’s a car bomb!” When you imagine the shattered jeep in your mind, you’ll think “car bomb” and relate that back to the 6th element, Carbon. • 7. Nitrogen • The 7th element on the periodic table is Nitrogen. If we say Nitrogen slowly and break it up, we get “night row gen”. In this instance, we’ll say “gen” is short for general, like an army general. Now, the general is the owner of the army jeep just crushed by the plummeting hydrant. Fortunately, the jeep was empty at the time because the general who owns it was out night rowing. He enjoys a bit of exercise on the river, usually in the hours of darkness. Now visualize him rowing his rowboat at night. Since he’s well known for night rowing, the rest of the army calls him the “night row gen”. When you imagine the “night row gen”, you’ll obviously be reminded of the 7th element, Nitrogen. • 8. Oxygen • Oxygen is the 8th element on the periodic table. For Oxygen, picture an oxygen mask, same as the type that falls out of the ceiling for an airplane emergency. Now imagine the night row general, Nitrogen, finishing his rowing session. It was a particularly intense and exhausting session and he can barely stand up. He’s completely exhausted and crawls out of his rowboat and back on to land. He needs to use an oxygen mask to get extra oxygen and air into his lungs to help him recover. When you picture the “night row gen” gasping and sucking from that oxygen mask, you’ll be reminded of the 8th element, Oxygen. • 9. Fluorine • The 9th element is Fluorine. Fluorine sounds similar to fluoride, like fluoride toothpaste or the fluoride gel dentists put on your teeth. The gel helps strengthen your teeth and it has an interesting taste and a weird texture as well, because it’s like a paste that gets smeared onto your teeth. Imagine now the oxygen mask the general has been sucking oxygen from is now actually filled with fluoride gel. Picture him sucking in oxygen and then suddenly getting a mouthful of fluoride gel. All of his teeth are coated with it and he starts to spit it out. When you imagine him getting that mouthful of fluoride, you’ll be reminded of the 9th element, Fluorine. • 10. Neon • The 10th element is Neon. Neon is the chemical that goes into neon signs. Neon signs are the incredibly bright and colorful signs you see lit up at night. Imagine what Las Vegas looks like with all of those neon casino signs, blinking on and off, flashing with really bright and colorful images. Now imagine once the general spits the fluoride out of his mouth, it’s made his teeth glow like neon. Picture him speaking, and you can see his teeth are all glowing brightly with different colors – blue and yellow and green and pink. When you visualize that, you’ll be reminded of Neon, the 10th element.