The Created is at War with the Creator Zechariah 11821


The second vision Zechariah saw, the same night, is another comforting message. In addition to the consolations in vv. 14-17, this vision and the third vision also (2:1-5) continue the comforting words. • The four horns are best understood to be the four empires of Daniel 2 and 7. This is a panoramic view of the future from the Babylonian captivity to the establishment of Messiah’s kingdom on earth. The “times of the Gentiles” began in 586 B.C., the destruction of Jerusalem, the departure of the glory of the Lord (Ezek 11:22). The Gentile domination, Jesus called the, “times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24) will end when the days of Messiah and Israel’s restoration arrive (Zech 14:9). • The craftsmen are God’s judgment upon the nations because of their severe treatment of Israel. The work of the craftsmen is not all past. Each nation was destroyed by the following dominant power. • Babylon (1 horn) Medo-Persia (1 craftsman) 539 B.C. • Medo-Persia (2 horn) Greece (2 craftsman) 333 B.C. • Greece (3 horn) Rome (3 craftsman) 1st or 2nd century B.C. • According to Daniel the final horn is Rome and the craftsman who will destroy it is the Lord Jesus Christ, a stone not made with hands (Dan 7:9-14).


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