EndNote How to create a subject bibliography

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In EndNote, you can create a subject bibliography which lists the various references in your EndNote Library or in a specific Group. That means EndNote will generate a list of references grouped by Year or by Author, or various other selected fields. A very useful function if you want to submit a list of references to someone and you want them to be grouped (for some reason). You can modify the layout and then save the bibliography in Rich Text Format (RTF), HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Text (.txt) format. Or you can print it. Very handy. • Visit the Research Masterminds website for solutions to your research-related challenges: https://researchmasterminds.com/ • Subscribe to the Research Masterminds YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/ResearchMast... • For more EndNote guidance and support, watch the videos inside this playlist:    • EndNote  


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