RockwoodFlagstaff Factory Tour Part 3 Geo Pro amp EPro
Join us as we take a walk thru the Rockwood Geo Pro / Flagstaff E-Pro production facility get an inside look at some easily unseen production features and behind the scenes looks at a few of the extra measures they employ when building these ultralite travel trailers! • Find Your Geo Pro Now at • CLICK SUBSCRIBE NOW! to see more of these videos Support our Family Owned Operated Business! • Don't Miss Our 2nd Channel at / @hayletttrailers • Though Geo Pro really used to look and feel a lot different from even the Mini Lite Rockwood RVs this experience really reinforced for me how they are truly more similar than different. From the floor construction up thru the roof you really get to see where even these, their smallest RVs, enjoy the same processes, materials, and attention to detail as even the largest of their Signature Series fifth wheel RVs! • PLUS! We get you a few quick bonus looks at some extra and unknown processes from the Rockwood/Flagstaff team! • We are Haylett Auto RV of Coldwater Michigan! Family Owned Operated Since 1989 and Going Strong! | 800-256-5196 | • Connect with Haylett RV Josh the RV Nerd on... • YouTube: / haylettrv • Facebook: / haylettrv • Instagram: / haylett_rv • Twitter: / haylettrv • Josh's Facebook: / josh.winters.731 • Josh on Nintendo Switch: SW-5518-0570-8025 (Let's Play!) • Josh's Pokemon GO Trainer Code: 5403 2403 6298 (LOL) • #Rockwood #Flagstaff #ForestRiver #forestriverrv #forestriverrockwood #forestriverflagstaff #geopro #epro #rockwoodgeopro #flagstaffeopro #azdel #gopower #solar #offgrid #boondocking #goodyear #HaylettRV #FamilyOwned #FamilyOperated #SmallBusiness #rvlife #camping #rvliving #travel #rv #rvlifestyle #glamping #camper #homeiswhereyouparkit #homeonwheels #rving #THErvnerd #joshthervnerd #RVNerd #RVNerdNation #haylettrvnerd #adventure #gorving #trailer #traveltrailerlife #camperlife #explore #vacation #michigan #rvdealer