Eslovaquia 🇸🇰 TODO lo que necesitas saber 🚗⛺🕍


In this video I am going to show you 8 interesting facts about Slovakia, I am sure you will learn something new after watching this video. VIDEO CONSTANTLY, SUBSCRIBE:    / curiosidadescuriosidades   • COMPLETE DESCRIPTION: • This video is the compilation of 8 data and some sites that in my opinion are interesting about Slovakia, the information provided was investigated in different Internet pages and I tried to contrast the information found with more reliable sources such as Wikipedia, in order to try to get it right in the information and that it was correct. • However, if you find any information in this video that you consider to be incorrect or outdated, I apologize for it in advance and you can express it in the comments. • The main aim of this video is to entertain and train the person who sees it, an idea of ​​what Slovakia is, some of its wonders and curious or interesting facts and that in this way you can somehow know a little more about this country and about the world. • I hope you enjoy it and here I will leave you broadly the information that this video includes, do not stop watching it until the end: • Number 1. • Etymology of Slovakia, where the name Slovakia comes from. • Number 2. • Brief summary of the history of Slovakia: First human records in the Slovak territories, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Hallstatt period, La Tène period, Puchov culture, Roman Empire, great invasions (Huns, Avars), Slavic tribes, Empire Samo, Principality of Nitra, Greater Moravia, Kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Habsburg Monarchy, First Republic of Czechoslovakia, First Slovak State, Second World War, Czechoslovakia Was Reconstituted, Slovak Republic, Present. • Number 3. • Bratislava, capital of Slovakia, population, location, cultural influences, some historical aspects, current affairs, some interesting features of the city. • Number 4. • Slovakia geography, location, forests, Carpathian mountains, Tatra mountains, national parks, caves and caverns, main rivers, climate, biodiversity. • Number 5. • Demographics of Slovakia: Population, population density, main ethnicities, average age of the population, languages, religion, education. • Number 6. • Slovak culture: Cultural influences, some cultural features, art, literature, cuisine, sport. • Number 7. • Slovakia's economy: GDP perch pita, imbalance between regions, growth of its economy, public debt, unemployment, current currency, foreign investment, economy by sectors. • Number 8. • Government in Slovakia, form of government, president, prime minister, legislative body, judicial body, foreign relations, armed forces, political division. • I AM ALSO ACTIVE IN: • Facebook: • • Instagram: •   / curiosidadescuriosidades   • You can write to me at: • [email protected]


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