Bubonico Build 2020 Guide The Vicious Plague Warframe Gameplay

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Bubonico Build 2020 (Guide) - The Vicious Plague (Warframe Gameplay) • One of the key features of the Arcana update was the addition of a bunch of new weapons to the game. One of the more interesting examples is the second arm cannon to be added to the game, The Bubonico. • The weapon features two fire modes. In primary the Bubonico is a full-blown automatic shotgun that fire darts as projectiles. The travel speed is good and the damage is solid. Base critical chance is twenty five percent and the multi sits at two point three. Status chance is juts a smidge over nine percent per projectile which again, is pretty good. • The Secondary fire mode features a burst trigger. The weapon will chuck three grenades in rapid succession that detonate upon contact with any surface. This mode features a very high status chance and a three point five multi but lacks base critical chance with only three percent as a base. The secondary fire mode seems to be most efficient when used as a primer for the primary fire mode. • Another key feature is the reload. It acts like a charged weapon so ammo reserves are not a concern and fire rate mods will work well with the Bubonico but effects on reload such as Repeater Clip will not function. • Being a new weapon in Warframe the Riven Mod Disposition is set to only one out of five and I would not recommend getting Rivens for the Bubonico with the current disposition. If you still want to try thou then look for a Multishot, Damage Riven. Critical chance is also something to keep an eye out for. Critical damage if you also got the Critical Chance. But you can never go wrong with DMG plus MULTI. • The second arm cannon of Warframe performed very well in all relevant tests and it can shred high level targets with relative ease. Both from a damage and usability perspective so all that's left is to give it my stamp of approval. Highly Recommend! • Warframe is a free-to-play cooperative third-person shooter video game developed and published by Digital Extremes. Originally released for PC Microsoft Windows in March 2013, it was later ported to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. • LeyzarGamingViews : • YouTube Membership:    / @leyzargamingviews   • Patreon:   / leyzargamingviews   • Discord Community :   / discord   • Donation: https://streamlabs.com/leyzargamingvi... • Twitch Page:   / leyzargamingviews   • Facebook:   / leyzargaming   • Twitter:   / leyzargaming   • #Bubonico #Build #Warframe


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