Lipik Orphanage Marica Topic part 2


The Lipik Children's home was the first object to be destroyed in 1991 in Lipik. Colonel Mark Cook, the Commander of the British Contingent of the UNPROFOR in Croatia, supported by his family in Great Britain and together with British soldiers, initiated helping to rebuild the orphanage. Doctor Marica Topic from Lipik, todays doctor of Lipik Special hospital for rehabilitation, helped colonel Mark Cook to reconstruct and rebuilt Lipik Orphanage. Their figth was promoted by BBC and HTV (Croatian Television). This HTV documentary Destinies about life of dr. Marica Topic is dedicated to her fight for Lipik Orphanage, and it was filmed in 1994. • This is part two • • Dječji dom Lipik je bio prvi uništeni objekt u Lipiku tijekom 1991. godine. Pukovnik Mark Cook, zapovjednik britanskih snaga UNPROFOR-a u Hrvatskoj, uz podršku svoje obitelji u Velikoj Britaniji, zajedno sa britanskim vojnicima inicirao je pomoć za obnovu Doma. Doktorica Marica Topić iz Lipika, trenutna doktorica Bolnice za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Lipik, pomogla je pukovniku Mark Cooku u rekonstrukciji I obnovi Dječjeg doma u Lipiku. Njihova borba bila je promovirana na BBC-u i HTV-u. Ovaj dokumentarac HTV-a Sudbine o životu dr. Marice Topić posvećen je njenoj borbi za Dječji dom Lipik, a snimljen je 1994. godine. • Ovo je drugi dio • • Full story on:


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