Summon a Harem Subliminal XmasYule Special Subliminal
Hi everyone; today is released the special subliminal for Yule/Xmas that will allow you to summon your personal harem; so far, the most requested subliminal since I began my channel; it is also the first subliminal that ever has a video quality of 1080P (I changed PowerDirector to Sony Vegas Pro 12 but I will maybe switch whenever I can on Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 since it seems superior in every point). • The characteristics weren’t completely passing (it seems a déjà-vu here) so the entire characteristics file is viewable and downloadable here in PDF • Characteristics file link (PDF): • • if you have any questions about this subliminal feel free to ask. • Stay safe, see you soon, have a nice end of year (or a nice year for those watching this in any month besides december) • • Thank you to have read the whole description.