Star Wars Anakin Darth Vader Redemption starwars soundtrack
Original theme by John Williams • Arranged produced by Breleger Music • This is a version of Vaders Theme where he turned back to a Jedi. It is inspired by the original music of Star Wars. • • Don't Re-Upload my Videos on any platforms! Don't illegally distribute my music to streaming platforms! • • You can use this audio as background music in your videos if you credit: John Williams Breleger Music • Please contact me if you are the owner of the used artwork. • • #epicmusic #orchestra #remake #starwars #starwarsmusic #johnwilliams #soundtrack #filmmusic #filmmusiccomposer #moviemusic #starwarstheme #darthvader #haydenchristensen #maythe4thbewithyou #maytheforcebewithyou #starwarscover #anakin #anakinskywalker #anakinsad #anakinskywalkersad #darthvadersad