培根洋葱芝士面包卷 Bacon Onion Cheese Bread Rolls【JiJis Kitchen🍴】

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=jePM6bIdVs0

The original video: •    • 【ENG SUB】培根洋葱芝士面包卷 Bacon Onion Cheese...   • ‪@JiJisKitchen0130‬ • 这款培根洋葱芝士面包卷,以橄榄油代替了黄油,带来更清爽的口感。 • 咸香的培根、脆甜的洋葱和浓郁又充满奶香味的芝士完美结合,层次丰富,回味无穷。 • 超级松软的面包搭配香气四溢的馅料,每一口都是满足! • These bacon, onion, and cheese bread rolls use olive oil instead of butter, giving them a lighter, fresher feel. The savory bacon, sweet, crunchy onion, and rich, creamy cheese come together beautifully, creating layers of flavor that linger on the palate. The super-soft bread pairs perfectly with the aromatic filling, making each bite a truly satisfying treat! • 🥣 材料: • 1个鸡蛋(45克),205克牛奶,50克糖,5克盐,400克高筋面粉,7克酵母,36克橄榄油。 • 100克培根,60克洋葱,6片芝士。 • 40克马苏里拉芝士,现磨黑胡椒粉,欧芹碎。 • 🥣 Ingredients: • 1 egg (45g), 205g milk, 50g sugar, 5g salt, 400g bread flour, 7g yeast, 36g olive oil. • 100g of bacon, 60g of onion, 6 slices of cheese. • 40g of shredded mozzarella, freshly ground black pepper, dried parsley flakes. • 📝做法: • 1. 鸡蛋,牛奶,糖,盐,高筋面粉和酵母混合放入搅拌缸内,先搅打至可以拉出厚膜的状态。‼️糖跟酵母要错开摆放,以免酵母失去活性。 • 2. 倒入36克的橄榄油,继续搅打至可拉出透光的薄膜的状态。‼️如果没有橄榄油的话,也可以用等量的黄油代替。 • 3. 把面团整光滑,并且整成圆形,分成4等份。每一份再整成圆形,静置松弛15分钟。‼️松弛的时候要覆盖湿布或者是保鲜膜,防止表面风干。 • 4. 面团在松弛的同时我们来准备馅料:培根,洋葱和芝士片都切成小块。 • 5. 取一份面团,适当的揉压排气以后,用擀面杖擀成长方形,铺上1/4的培根,1/4的洋葱和1/4的芝士块,从上至下的卷起,再切成4等份。 • 6. 收口处捏紧,切面向上排放在烤盘中(28 x 28厘米),发酵至两倍大。 • 7. 发酵完成在表面撒上马苏里拉芝士,现磨黑胡椒粉和欧芹碎。 • 8. 送进预热好的烤箱,180°C,烤16分钟。 • 📝Methods: • 1. Combining egg, milk, sugar, salt, bread flour, and yeast in a mixing bowl, knead the flour into smooth and soft dough.‼️Keep the sugar and yeast separate to keep the yeast active. • 2. Add 36g olive oil and continue to knead the dough until it's elastic.‼️Butter in the same amount works just fine too if you don't have olive oil. • 3. Once the dough is smooth and rounded, divide it into 4 equal parts. Shape each portion into a ball and let them rest for 15 minutes.‼️Covering them with a damp cloth or plastic wrap to prevent drying out. • 4. While the dough rests, let’s prep the filling: Dice bacon, onion and cheese slice into small. • 5. Take one dough, press to remove air, and roll it out into a rectangle. Sprinkle a quarter of the bacon, onion, and cheese cubes across the dough, roll it up from top to bottom and cut into 4 pieces. • 6. Pinch the ends to seal them. Place each piece cut-side up in the baking pan (28 x 28cm), and let it rise until doubled in size. • 7. Once risen, sprinkle 40g of shredded mozzarella on top, along with freshly ground black pepper and dried parsley flakes. • 8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 16 minutes. • Hello my dear friends! • Welcome to JiJi's Kitchen, JiJi bring you simple home cooking and the best tried and true recipes. • Wishing everyone great success by referring to my secret recipes! • ❤Make sure you check out my YouTube channel too! • 欢迎大家订阅我的YouTube频道❤ •    / jijiskitchen0130   • 只分享给大家真实可操作的美食食谱。


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