The Bells Are Singing Chingling amp Chimecho


Hello Trainers and Happy Holidays! Professor Palm here. I can’t believe that we’re about to start a brand new year. Well the holidays may have passed, I think that it’s not over until the end of December. I think that every holiday is special for all of us. However, December is the only time of the year were so many holidays intersect with one another. I think one thing we can all agree on is all of the holiday music that plays. However when I think of music for the holidays I always think of bells. Mostly Sleigh Bells as you could hear them dashing through the snow, so that’s what makes me think the most about Chingling and Chimecho the bell Pokémon. It may be hard to believe but these Pokémon are responsible for bringing us so much music. In the olden days of Hisui Chingling Chimecho made music for our ancestors and they also brought a sense of wonder to us all. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of ringing bells, but believe it or not Chimecho and Chingling are Singing Bells. Not only do they ring, but they also sing beautifully. In fact these Pokémon are responsible for making so many musicians as well as singers. Despite making this huge change for the better, they are some of the tiniest Pokémon you’ll ever meet, but hey as a wise person one said, “Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest impact on others”. • When it comes to making music I don’t think that something that any of us can live without all thanks to Chingling and Chimecho. Without music life would be a mistake. There’s just something very special about bells. Maybe it’s because Bells are some of the oldest musical instruments ever made. On a rather cool note burn Chingling Chimecho are a musical duo for being both ringing and singing bells. Sadly well we don’t have sound typing, I think Chingling Chimecho would be perfect. After all bells make lots of sound. When it comes to musical Pokémon, Chingling and Chimecho are some of the most talented that you’ll ever meet. I can’t think of Christmas without some wonderful bells, invite these singing bells over for the holidays and you’ll have an endless ringing in your ears. • • A Very Special Thanks to HttpKoopa for making my Ice Type Uniform. Since we are in the month of December and the snow is falling I don’t think I could’ve worn a better shirts and this one. If you happen to like these Gym Uniforms I wear in my videos, check out his Etsy shop. He’s an amazing artist! • HttpKoopa’s Etsy Shop - • Chapters • 0:00 - Intro • 0:06 - Happy Holiday Wishes • 0:40 - The Holiday Season • 1:54 - Introducing Chingling Chimecho • 4:51 - Special Thanks Shouout • 5:23 - Transition • 5:51 - The Study of Chingling • 8:56 - Evolution • 9:28 - The Study of Chimecho • 12:26 - Fun Fact Tidbits on Chingling Chimecho • 14:41 - Chingling Chimecho in Battle • 15:58 - Final Thoughts • 18:20 - Return • 18:33 - Questions • 19:45 - Outro


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