The Ins and Outs of Helium Leak Testing Equipment
Consider Supporting HoH: / houseofhistory • The Great Purge was a period in the history of the Soviet Union where Stalin eliminated the majority of the Old Bolsheviks and the leadership of the Red Army. This was done through three show trials in 1936, 1937 and 1938 and a trial for 8 generals of the Soviet Union in 1937. Ordinary citizens, artists and intellectuals became victims as well. It is estimated around 1 million people died during the Great Purge. • The content of this video covers events, people or concepts via a lecture-style presentation that is educational and historical in nature. Every video is original content by House of History. The events relating to conflict in this video are portrayed in their historical context without either value judgment or an ideological message attached to it. There is no intent to shock, upset or disgust. The goal of my channel is to make interesting lecture-style videos, no more, no less. • If you have any feedback, questions or criticism feel free to leave a comment. Your opinion truly aids me in improving the content of the channel! If you have a question, feel free to leave a comment and I will either write a reply, answer your question in a Q A video, or make an entire video about it! • Note: Somehow autofocus was on during the recording of this video. I have attempted to edit out as much as I could. • Time Codes: • 1:49 The First Show Trial (1936) • 3:17 The Murder of Sergey Kirov • 4:19 The Purge Commences • 7:29 Radicalisation of the Purge • 9:18 Betrayal in the Army • 11:11 The Purge and Society • 14:56 The Final Show Trial (1938) • Video Sources: • • Old Archive Footage • Song at the beginning: • Wide is my Motherland / Широка страна моя родная • Sources: • Conquest, Robert. Stalin: Breaker of Nations (New York, 1991). • Hosking, Geoffrey A. Russia and the Russians: A History (Harvard University Press, 2010). • Pomper, Philip, and Phillip Bernhei. Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin (Columbia University Press, 1992). • Schlögel, Karl. Moscow, 1937 (John Wiley Sons, 2014).