How to use IFERROR with VLOOKUP in Excel


Learn: The Quick easy way on How to use IFERROR with VLOOKUP in Excel • In this video, you will learn: • How to • 1. How to use IFERROR with VLOOKUP in Excel • 2. How Use IFERROR with VLOOKUP to Get Rid of #N/A Errors • In this video, we will learn how to use VLOOKUP IFERROR function to ignore the #N/A error while calculating the formula. • As we all know that Excel IFERROR function is used to return customized output when an error occurs. • And VLOOKUP function is used for retrieving the data information in the first data to another data on the basis of common value. So, when the common value not matched with the second data then the formula gives us #N/A error as output. we need to tackle if an error occurs. • These two functions may be pretty hard to understand separately, let alone when they are combined. In this video, you will find a few easy-to-follow examples that address common uses and clearly illustrate the formulas' logic. • If you don't have much experience with IFERROR and VLOOKUP functions, it may be a good idea to revise their basics first • Vlookup with the iferror function in Excel helps the user return an error message based on the user’s choice if any situation occurs. Vlookup function lookups at the values from the selected range or table and returns the exact or approximate match. But there comes some condition where we end up getting an error if the format of the range is not right or the value not found. In that case, with the help of the IFError function, we can see any customized message if the vlookup could not be able to find the value and gives the error. • The arguments of the VLOOKUP function are explained below: • lookup_ value: It is a number, a text string, or a cell reference, which is to be searched in the first column of a range of cells. • table_ array: It is the cell reference or the range name of the entire range of data. • col_ index_ num: It is the column from which the result is required. • range_ lookup: It is specified whether you want an exact or an approximate match. The possible value is TRUE or FALSE. The TRUE value returns an approximate match, and the FALSE value returns an exact match. • The IFERROR function returns a value one specifies id a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, it returns the formula. It is used to trap and handle errors produced by other formulas or functions. IFERROR checks for the following errors: #N/A, #VALUE! , #REF! , #DIV/0! , #NUM! , #NAME? , or #NULL! • Note: If lookup_ value to be searched occurs more than once, then the VLOOKUP function will locate the first occurrence of the lookup_ value. • The arguments of the IFERROR function are explained below: • value: It is the value, reference, or formula to check for an error. • value_ if_ error: It is the value to return if an error is found. • While using the VLOOKUP function in MS Excel, if the value searched for is not found in the given data, it returns a #N/A error. • ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. • Share this video:    • How to use IFERROR with VLOOKUP in Excel   • For more simple and easy to follow How-to videos, • Click the link below to subscribe: •    / @learnexcelwitht   • • #Vlookup #Iferror #ExcelVlookup #iserror • LearnexcelwithT


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