Hello everyone, welcome to our channel! If you are interested in starting a nursery, or are wondering how professional grower’s produce high quality plants, then this is the perfect video for you! • In this video, we are going to show you how to mix the perfect medium for rooting cuttings. This mix has been tried and tested in a commercial nursery and has been perfected by professional horticulturalists, so you can trust it’s a good one! Stick around until the end of the video for your copy of our infographic so you can always refer back to our notes. Let’s get started! • To mix the perfect rooting medium, you will need: • • Peat moss. This is the dead, decomposed remains of plant material, mainly mosses, that have accumulated over many years. Peat moss is an important additive to any growing medium because it retains water and nutrients and improves structure. • • Coir. This is the fibre of dehusked coconut shells. It is an organic, natural additive that can also be used in hydroponics as an organic growing medium. It is used in this mix to retain moisture. • • Vermiculite. This is a heat-expanded mineral that will aerate your medium, improve water retention and even release a small amount of nutrients into the mixture. • • A slow release fertilizer. There are many commercial options available. Generally, the fertilizer beads bind to the soil when they are wet. Under warm temperatures, the coat of the beads expand and slowly release nutrients into the growing medium. Our fertilizer is specifically formulated for plant plugs and will supply enough nutrients for 2-3 months. • • A cup or any other measuring implement. • • A large bucket or wheelbarrow to mix your medium. • *As horticulturalists, we strongly advise that you use sustainably sourced peat moss and coir.* • Once you have readied all of your equipment, place 2 cups of peat moss, 2 cups of coir and 1 cup of vermiculite into the bucket. This medium will therefore consist of 40% peat moss, 40% coir and 20% vermiculite.However, these materials have very little to no mineral content. This is why we have included a slow release fertilizer in the mix. The amount you mix into your growing medium will depend on the amount of medium you need, so be sure to read the instructions before you add your fertilizer. In this case, we used roughly 2-3kg per m3. • Make sure your medium is thoroughly mixed with your peat moss, coir and fertilizer evenly incorporated. Fill up your cutting trays with the medium and soak the trays with a light mist before you start planting your cuttings. • Infographic: • ********************************** • Free E-Book: 5 Steps to start a Profitable Plant Nursery • • ********************************** • 🛒 Thank you for watching, we appreciate your support very much! If you liked what you saw in this video, check out our list of favourite items below. We may receive a small commission when you buy from these affiliate links which helps us continue to create informative videos. • 🌱 Seed trays: • 🌱 Secateurs: • 🌱 Perlite: • 🌱 Rooting hormone: • 🌱 Spray bottles: • 🌱 The Plant Propagators 'Bible': • 🌱 Coir: • 🌱 Vermiculite: • 🌱 Watering nozzle attachment for bottles: • Resources we use: • Links in the description might be affiliate links and if you purchase a service, we may receive a commission. • Affiliate links: • • New zenler: • • Disclaimer • This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: • • All stock footage, audio and other non-original materials used in this video were done so with the use of royalty-free license agreements. This includes, but is not limited to, Camtasia, StoryBlocks, and Artlist.