PAIN Under Your Foot Arch Meet your Medial Plantar Nerve


#anatomy #plantar #foot • Link for Donations •   / anatomy.knowledge   • There are two plantar arteries—medial and lateral which are the terminal branches of the posterior tibial artery. • The smaller medial plantar artery passes forward along the medial side of the foot and divides into two branches. The superficial branch continues along the medial side of the foot and provides arterial digital supply to the medial side of the big toe. The deep branch anastomoses at the base of the first intermetatarsal space with the deep plantar branch of the dorsalis pedis artery. • The lateral plantar artery, much larger than the medial, passes obliquely lateralward and forward to the base of the fifth metatarsal bone. • It then turns medialward toward the interval between the bases of the first and second metatarsal bones, where it unites with the deep plantar branch of the dorsalis pedis artery, thus completing the plantar arch. From the pantar arch are arising four plantar metatarsal arteries. They pass forward in the intermetatarsal space and distally become continuous with the common plantar digital arteries. At the base of the intergigital space , each common plantar digital artery divides into two proper plantar digital arteries. The arterial digital supply to the lateral side of the foot is also supplied by the lateral plantar artery.


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