Measuring the Internal Resistance of a Battery Mini Lab Experiment
0:00 Introduction • 0:20 Terminal Voltage Definition • 0:43 EMF • 1:00 Internal Resistance • 1:37 Equations • 2:48 Demonstration • 4:04 Experiment Apparatus • 6:48 Experiment Data • 8:08 Graph to determine Internal Resistance • 9:06 Data for each experiment • Worksheet: • • Some of the questions this video will investigate are the following: • 1. What exactly is the Internal Resistance of a battery? • 2. How are the quantities of Terminal Voltage, Electromotive Force and Internal resistance connected? • 3. What would a typical experiment to measure Internal Resistance for a standard commercial battery look like (what equipment would be needed)? • 4. How a graph could be used to calculate Internal Resistance when current and terminal voltage are measured? • This video will show you an experiment that can be used to measure the internal resistance of a battery, by measuring voltage and current in a circuit. The resistance of the circuit can be altered with the use of a variable resistor. • This experiment is performed with 10 different batteries in total. For each battery, about 5 or 6 different data points (voltage and current) are measured. With the data, a calculation can be completed to measure the internal resistance.