Mama Mbaye Afrobeat bigband support by Layebeusse amp Faly
Afro funky party s ambasadorem české afrobeatové scény. Nechte se unést nezaměnitelným vokálem Karolíny Mbaye a roztancovanými groovy jejího 7-členného kolektivu, kde se potká vají spletité rytmy západní Afriky s přímočarou energií funku, to vše okořeněné špetkou roots reggae a zvukem zaprášených vinylů. Z jejich hudby na Vás zavane vánek z Jamajky i vichr z Nigérie. Pozor na písek v očích! • / mamambayemusic • ENG • Afro funky party with ambassador of Czech afrobeat scene. Let yourself be carried away by the unmistakable vocal of Carolina Mbaye and the danced grooves of her 7-member team, which meet the intricate rhythms of West Africa with a straightforward funk energy, all spiced up with a touch of roots reggae and the sound of dusty vinyl. The music of Jamaica and the wind of Nigeria will blow your music. Beware of sand in your eyes! • / mamambayemusic • Layebeusse is an artist who comes from Senegal, he composes his own music in the style of afropop, soul, blues and jazz. • His songs are written in Senegalese national languages (Wolof, Diola) combined with French and English. • This evening Laye Beusse will perform with his band Layebeusse Family. • We invite you on a journey of rhythm, harmonies and melodies from the heart of Africa. • / libas_guitare • / libasse.mbengue.16 • Check out Layebeusse’s nes album Sozuvenir! • Spotify: • Youtube music: / laye beusse - topic • iTunes: • . • #praha #livestream #music #musicperformance #new #live #afrobeat #afrobeats #afro #afromusic #afrohouse #afromusic #afrotypebeat #soul #soulmusic #reggae #reggaeton #smoothjazz #smooth #livestreaming #livestreammusic #livestreams #senegal #sénégal #greatesthits #felakuti #newevent #summervibes