Punganur Cow Farming Worlds Smallest Cow Breed Dwarf Cattle Breed
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PUNGANUR COW is the world’s smallest cattle originated in Punganur town in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. This breed is known for its short stature, high milk production efficiency, and efficient reproductive character. Ancient Ayurvedic mentions various medicinal properties of cow urine. It is used as an insecticide and in disorders like intestinal gas, acidity, and cough.The average height is about 70 to 90 cm and weight is around 115 to 200 kg. • These cows produce 3 to 5 liters of milk per day. The lactation milk yield is approximately 540 liters and the lactation length is 260 days. • The average milk fat content is 5 to 8 % and their average daily feed intake is 5 kg. • If you want to buy Punganur Cows, Contact: • Siva, Kubbera Dairy farm • Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh • Call/WhatsApp: +91 7993104742 or +91 9086861111 • 0:00 Introduction • 0:10 Punganur Cow Breed • 0:31 Punganur Cattle Breed Characteristics • 1:25 Punganur Cow Milk Production Per Day • 1:41 Punganur Cow Price • 1:52 How to buy Punganur Cow • 2:07 Bottomline • Join this channel to get access to perks: • / @discoveragriculture • ___________________________________________ • Visit Our Website : • https://discoveragriculture.com • SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/DiscoverAgric... • Discover Agriculture YouTube Channel: / discoveragriculture • EMAIL: [email protected] • FOLLOW US ON: • Official Facebook Page: / discoveragriculturechannel • Official Instagram: / discoveragriculture • Instagram: / roshan_shetty_c • Facebook: / roshanshettycg • Instagram: / harshith_bhandary_ • Facebook: / harshith.bhandary.7 • ___________________________________________ • Punganur Cow Farming | World's Smallest Cow Breed | Dwarf Cattle Breed • Tags: punganur cow, punganur calf, punganur bull, punganur, punganur cow for sale, punganur cow milk per day, punganur cattle, punganur cattle breed, punganur cow breed, punganur breed cow milk, worlds smallest cow breed, worlds smallest cow, smallest cow breed, smallest cow breed in the world, smallest cow, smallest cattle, smallest cattle breed in the world, dwarf cow breeds, mini cow breeds, dwarf cow breeds in india, dwarf cow breed, dwarf cattle, dwarf cattle breed, punganur dwarf cattle • #PunganurCow #KuberraDairyFarm #DairyFarming #CowFarming #Cow #Agriculture #Farming #DiscoveryAgriculture