Best Online Math Tutor Equivalent Fractions On A Number Line 3NF3
A brief lesson on how to show the relationship of fractions with the same value on a number line. Teachers can use this to supplement classroom instruction for third grade students. This lesson is based on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, specifically 3.NF.A.3.A • Subscribe: • / younggurusmathtutoring • Share this video: • • ________________________________________________________ • Free tutoring Consultation: • • Facebook: • / younggurusmathtutoring • Instagram: • / younggurus_mathtutoring • ___________________________________________________________ • This channel was created by the best online math tutor for math learners of all ages. Are you a parent who is tired of watching your child struggle with mathematics and you are unsure how to get them the help they really need? Are you a student who is having a hard time understanding the math that your teacher is teaching in the classroom? Are you a homeschool parent that has reached the point in mathematics that you are no longer able to explain the concepts to your child or student effectively? Young Gurus Math Tutoring is an online math tutor that uses this channel to help students of all ages watch math lessons to help them learn the information in a way that is relatable to students at all levels. My focus is on helping students understand the foundational concepts needed to learn higher level math concepts. Many students struggle because their teacher is either not relatable to them or the teacher does not take the time to explain the foundational concepts that help a student understand the topic they are currently studying. • Subscribe Today: • / younggurusmathtutoring • Contact me for a free consultation to become a personal client: •