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Apple Watch 6 + Apple Health app offers us many exciting ways to monitor our health, including: Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability, Sleep Tracking, and Oxygen Saturation (SPO2) tracking. In this review I help you decide if an Apple Watch 6 is worth it for its health features. • My favorite way to continuously measure Heart Rate Variability is via the Lief HRV tracking wearable: https://getlief.com/ use code HRVHACKERS to get $15 off your order. Video review: • Lief Review: Improve your Breathing a... Use it to track and improve your anxiety, depression, HRV and Vagal Tone throughout the day. • My favorite (passive) vagus nerve stimulator is now the Pulsetto. Review and promo code in video description here: • Pulsetto Vagus Nerve Stimulator: The ... • If you have sleep and stress issues, a very effective wearable to consider is the Touchpoints Wearable. Review and promo code in video description here: • Reduce Your Stress by 70%!? My Verdic... • Note: I may earn commissions for purchases made through these links.