C Int to String manually without tostring

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=jwmmAIwJxfo

In this video ill show you how to convert an integer to a string. it might not be up to standards but eh. • it basically works by create a string buffer , then extracting each int element in a number (so extracting 2, 6, 1, 8 from 2618) by applying the modulus function (value mod 10, so 25 mod 10 returns 5; 25 / 10 should be 2.5, but ints cannot have decimals. it returns the remainder as 5). Then it divides the number by 10 (so 25/10 is 2; it's rounded down when the decimal is 0.5 or lower). those 2 combined in a loop will return 2 and 5 in a list (aka vector). • then it converts those individual ints to a char (by adding 48 and parsing to a char, because the char '0' is equal to 48; im not sure if this is ASCII or Unicode, but i assume it's ASCII). then it finally returns the buffer. • github code: https://github.com/AngryCarrot789/Cpp...


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