Cutting Board made from Recycled HDPE Plastic


💚 A huge thank you to The Brotherhood:   / brothersmake   • ♻️ Check out our recycled plastic store: • In this video we turn a load of milk bottle tops and other recycled plastic we have been collecting into a fully functioning chopping board - we even included a juice groove! Something important to note is that the low melting temperature of HDPE means that this should not be used for anything hot, nor should it be used as a surface to rest hot saucepans on. However it is perfect for cutting fruit and vegetables etc. It shouldn't be dishwashed but is very easy to clean. • We are aware that there will be a lot of comments regarding the safety of using recycled plastic for items that come into contact with food. We have researched this fairly extensively and we are confident that our process is clean enough to produce food-grade HDPE: HDPE is a food-grade plastic, hence why it is used for milk bottles and packaging for other edible goods. This is most likely sourced from raw (or 'virgin') polymer which means that it has not gone through a recycling process. This issue with recycling plastic is that there are multiple avenues for the plastic to become contaminated. The 3 main ones being; • 1) Remains from the previous content it was holding • 2) Labels/residue left on the plastic itself • 3) Potential 'burning' of the plastic, which introduces toxins (both as fumes and within the resulting plastic product itself) • We are very meticulous when it comes to the cleaning of our plastic. All plastic that we receive is hand-sorted to ensure it is indeed HDPE and that there are no non-plastic contaminants left on the plastic. We run the plastic through at least 3 sorting and cleaning cycles before we ever introduce it to heat. This covers (1) and (2). HDPE's burning point is anything over 180 degrees Celcius. We have had enough experience with melting this plastic to know when it has got too hot. We keep our over/grill at around 140-160 degrees, which never introduces any fumes or burning to any of the plastic. This covers (3). • The US Food and Drug Administration has recently (March 2020) approved recycled HDPE to be used for food and drink packaging providing the feedstock is food-grade and contaminant concentrations were below its “threshold of regulatory concern” (0.5 parts per billion or less in the food). [] • If you are still concerned about the use of recycled HDPE for use with food then feel free to not use it yourself! We have done the research and have decided that we think it is safe based on our specific process. • This video is not telling you that you have to do this, rather it is showing you what is possible! If you enjoyed the video or learnt something new, please consider subscribing. Thanks! • #BrothersMake #HDPE #PreciousPlastic #HDPERecycling #RecycledPlastic #RecycledPlasticBottles #PlasticRecycling #CuttingBoard • Get started recycling by checking out our EQUIPMENT links: • • Consider supporting us on PATREON: •   / brothersmake   • Follow us on INSTAGRAM: •   / brothersmake   • Link to our MERCH store: • • Check out our PLAYLIST with all of our HDPE videos: • • MUSIC: • 'Hanging Out' - Bruno E • 'Dude' - Patrick Patrikios


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