Pregnancy Workouts First Trimester Fitness Parents


Watch as Parents tells you about first trimester pregnancy workouts! Working out while pregnant doesn't have to be too difficult, especially in the first trimester. While there are a lot of changes happening inside your body, the outside may not look like it's changing at all. Your first trimester is a great time to maintain conditioning with your pregnancy exercises. Talk with your doctor before beginning any exercise while pregnant, but if you get the ok, stay as fit as you can during this time. To perform squats while pregnant, keep the same weights you were using before you were pregnant. If you didn't exercise before, just begin with your body weight to gauge which size to move up to. Maintain a wide base with your feet hips width apart, a tall chest, and palms at your shoulders. Do 20 to 25 of these exercises in a circuit. To add to these basic exercises for pregnant women, try simple jumping jacks, just like you did growing up. Maintain a steady pace for between 60 and 90 seconds. Move back to the arms for the next set of pregnancy exercises. Widen your base for overhead presses, pushing your arms above your head into the letter Y, and slowly lower. If you're using 5-pound weights, or 2-pound weights for beginners, do at least ten to 15 repetitions. Try doing these pregnancy workouts three times each, at least two or three times a week. Your first trimester of pregnancy can be just as healthy and active as you were before you got pregnant with the right exercises and mindset! • Subscribe to the Parents channel: • About Parents: We’re here to help moms and dads raise happy, healthy kids—and have A LOT of fun along the way. Parents features information about child health, safety, behavior, discipline and education. There are also stories on women's health, nutrition, pregnancy, marriage, and beauty. It is aimed primarily at women ages 18–35 with young children. • Follow us today to become the best parent you can be! • Official Parents Website: • Follow Parents on FACEBOOK: • Follow Parents on TWITTER: • Follow Parents on PINTEREST: • Follow Parents on INSTAGRAM:


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