Scriabin Piano Sonata No 4 in Fsharp major Op 30 Ashkenazy


All audio rights belong to Vladimir Ashkenazy and UMG. • Support me: • The Piano Sonata No. 4 in F-sharp major, Op. 30, was written by Alexander Scriabin around 1903 and first published in 1904. It consists of two movements, Andante and Prestissimo volando, and is one of Scriabin's shortest piano sonatas. The sonata is generally considered to be the beginning of Scriabin's middle period due to the newly mystical sonorities and tonal ambiguity of the first movement. It remains one of the most performed of Scriabin's sonatas. • The sonata is written in a post-Romantic style, similar to Scriabin's other works of the time, and the mood could be described as erotic. The first movement, expressive and calm, is monothematic (based on a single theme). The second movement, celebratory and climactic, starts attacca right after the Andante movement. • A more Romantic idea is the use of cyclic form in restating the Andante’s main theme (dolcissimo) as the ecstatic climax of the Prestissimo volando movement (Focosamente, giubiloso). This outlay appears closely related to the last two movements from the 3rd sonata, also linked by an attacca, where the climax of the finale likewise restates the lyrical Andante theme of the third movement. Russian composers such as Tchaikovsky or Rachmaninoff often restated the lyric theme of the finale movement as climactic coda (for example in the piano concertos). Scriabin instead returns to the 'slow' movement’s theme, and this may have led to further experiments with a condensation of form in the single-movement 5th sonata where the climax (estatico) is again a restatement of the Languido theme (dolcissimo). • Scriabin wrote a poem after composing this sonata that explains its meaning: • In a light mist, transparent vapor • Lost afar and yet distinct • A star gleams softly. • How beautiful! The bluish mystery • Of her glow • Beckons me, cradles me. • O bring me to thee, far distant star! • Bathe me in trembling rays • Sweet light! • Sharp desire, voluptuous and crazed yet sweet • Endlessly with no other goal than longing • I would desire • But no! I vault in joyous leap • Freely I take wing. • Mad dance, godlike play! • Intoxicating, shining one! • It is toward thee, adored star • My flight guides me. • Mad dance, godlike play! • Intoxicating, shining one! • Toward thee, created freely for me • To serve the end • My flight of liberation! • In this play • Sheer caprice • In moments I forget thee • In the maelstrom that carries me • I veer from they glimmering rays. • In the intensity of desire • Thou fadest • O distant goal. • But ever thou shinest • As I forever desire thee! • Thou expandest, Star! • Now thou art a Sun • Flamboyant Sun! Sun of Triumph! • Approaching thee by my desire for thee • I lave myself in they changing waves • O joyous god. • I swallow thee • Sea of light. • My self-of-light • I engulf thee! • Source: • Thanks for 749 subscribers! • #Scriabin #Sonata #ScriabinSonata #BeMusical


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