Solar Smart Meter and Inverter SP Ausnet


This is a video of my brand new Solar Smart Meter. You will notice that it has exported 15 kWh into the grid today. We generated 21 kWh so we used 6 kWh internally. As the days get shorter not as much power will be generated. Will be interesting to see how much power it generates over the year. • The inverter at the end shows that the solar panels are generating 1276 W and for the day it has generated 21044 Wh. • The display codes shown on the meter shows you what the readings for the various things. • Display Code • 88 Display Test • 1 Time • 2 Date • 3 kWh Imported Total Energy • 4 kWh Imported Peak Energy • 6 kWh Imported Off Peak Energy • 13 kWh Total Exported Energy • 14 kWh Exported Peak Energy • 16 kWh Exported Off Peak Energy • Smart Meter Fact Sheet: • How to Read Your Smart Meter:    • How to read your BLACK smart meter   • If you want to see this information displayed in your house then get a ZigBee. No wiring required! • Smart Meter Video by CitiPower and Powercor:    • Smart Meters for Victoria   • See My Spreadsheet for actual calculations based on a year of making electricity! • This is the projected payback time worked out on a full years worth of real electricity bills at current prices. The Solar Panels that we have on our roof combined with the energy efficient appliances means we have a payback time of 3 years. Note that the solar feed in tariff has dropped in the last year. This would mean an extra year to pay back the panels. Note 2 the solar panel prices have dropped again. To install the 4.2 kWh system that we have would cost $7300 on current prices. This would mean the payback time would be about 3.5 years on this system. Note 3 even when you borrow on your mortgage at 5.3% You will still have it paid back in 5 years. • I have included a link to my spreadsheet with my usage figures. You can change the inputs and see the change in projections. • The fact of the matter is even if the government provides zero rebates and pays crappy feed in tariffs it will be cheaper over the long run than coal fired power station, nuclear plants. It was true many years ago that solar panels cost a fortune to buy. Now with large scale production they are much cheaper to produce. If you looked at it 5 years ago it's time to look at it again. It doesn't matter what Tony does because even if he doesn't give $1 rebate you will still be better off. You just need to live in your house 5 years or more. Come 10 years time we may cover every square meter of the roof with the highest producing panels. • There is currently a million homes in Australia with solar panels on the roof. source: • Solar panels are a lot cheaper than you think. Companies even have payment plans. • Victoria: • Queensland: • I don't work for the solar companies. Basically if it didn't make economic sense I wouldn't be doing it.


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