RecruitingMastery Using A McQuaig Assessment


Recruiting Mastery: McQuaig Assessment • We have our recruiting flyer, we have our career package, we’ve done all the right things, we’ve gone through thirty resumes, we’ve done phone interviews with the top ten candidates, we’ve boiled it down to those top three people, and we now believe that we have the one person. The last thing that you do before you make any agreement or say anything to that one person is you have to put them through a sales personality assessment and the one I believe is off the charts is the McQuaig Sales Personality Assessment. • Now know this: I have been dabbling with personalities for almost thirty years. I understand and know Meyers-Briggs, I know Disc, I know Brainstyle, I know the colors, I know the animals, and all those kinds of things out there. But McQuaig, by far, has put together the most extensive assessment of people to really find out who they are and what they are and it is a great tool to confirm the suspicion of the sales manager that this person is the person we are actually going to hire because how they are in real life is how they are on the assessment. • So as we look at the McQuaig assessment, you can go to and click on sales training consulting and go right to the very bottom and it says Sales Personality Assessments and you can click right on that tab and there are various ones in there. • One of the assessments that we use tell us if the people really understand the position that they’re in, that they’re applying for, that they really understand the dynamics of the position. • Another one that we use actually will take a snapshot of the person’s situational style. What situational tells us is how they want people to perceive them, and the flip side actually takes a snapshot of the other side and tells us how they really are. So it enables us, without a shadow of a doubt or trying to wing it, to find out if they have dominance in their personality style, do they have a little bit of that social area that we’re looking for, do they have that high level of drive—coming back to discipline, tenacity, implementation—and, most importantly, are they independent: is this a person who we’re going to be able to put in the position and let them run or are we going to have to babysit them? And all these suspicions need to be confirmed before you hire that person. • So if we can help you out with the McQuaig assessments and confirming your suspicions that the person you think is the right for the job is the right candidate for the job, please let us know, and you can contact us at • Don't Forget To Visit Us Online: • • • Check Out These Related Videos: •    • RecruitingMastery: Interview Tactics   •    • RecruitingMastery: Have A Plan   •    • RecruitingMastery: Know The Game You ...   • Have Questions? Don't Hesitate to Ask! •


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