9 Señales de que Eres SUPERDOTADO Psych2Go ESPAÑOL

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Gifted is a word we often hear in school. We usually associate these people with kids who get straight A's, but that's not always the case. There are many individuals who possess amazing abilities that go unnoticed, including the spiritually gifted and the creative. These people have the same unique abilities and challenges as other gifted people, but may go unnoticed because of their differences in other areas. Watch this video to dive deeper into the topic of superior endowment. • • Credits: • Screenplay: Sid Thompson • Script Editing: Rida Batool • Script Manager: Kelly Soong • Voice: Maggie Raffaelli • Animation: Naphia • YouTube manager: Cindy Cheong • Music: Oneul - Shopping -   • 소소한 행복 쇼핑 🛍 (Shopping) : 귀여운음악, 브이로그음...   • • References: • Azpeitia, L. (2019). Characteristics of Gifted Adults. Gifted, Talented Creative Adults. gifted-adults.com/characteristics-of-gifted-talented-creative-adults Kuzujanakis, M. (2016, October 14). The Intensities of Giftedness. HuffPost. www.huffpost.com/entry/the-intensities-of-gifted_b_8134926?guccounter=1 guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8 guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMjmh8fjREp3JMQdSmrN69C494GMly877 vtfl8tjBTTFSo4cPtUF19EaGA6KLBUGPKA19KG_b0zFoel7JNgu0LR_4ymXAbyweLJGjWpcKXVUHZCIT8_50LiR6qMV-cBjfyhgFCKqvjmByN5H5AIgvF7IvQxj633fyM7nkhT_aWyd • Lind, S. (2011, September 14). Overexcitability and the Gifted. SENG. www.sengifted.org/post/overexcitability-and-the-gifted • Paradise Valley Unified School District. (2019). Characteristics and Signs of Giftedness | Paradise Valley Unified School District. www.pvschools.net/academics/academic-programs/gifted-programs/gifted-education-parent-resources/characteristics-and • Prior, A. (2019, August 14). 5 Definitions of Giftedness. Institute for Educational Advancement. educationaladvancement.org/blog-5-definitions-of-giftedness/ • Taibbi, C. (2012, January 29). Bright Child vs. Gifted Learner : What's the Difference? PsychologyToday. www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/gifted-ed-guru/201201/bright-child-vs-gifted-learner-whats-the-difference • Turner, P. (2013, January 17). Can you describe the characteristics of gifted adults? Tuner Psychology Calagary. turnerpsychologycalgary.com/giftedness/characteristics-of-gifted-adults/ • Windhorst, E. (2020, January 1). Gifted adult characteristics. Eric Windhorst, PhD – Counseling Therapy in Hamilton, ON. www.ericwindhorst.ca/resources/on_being_gifted/gifted-adult-characteristics/ • • #Psych2Go #gifted • -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- • English version of this video: • Psych2Go main channel in English:    / psych2go   • Contact: • If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at • [email protected] • Contact with the English channel: [email protected] • -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- • Official channel of Psych2Go in Spanish • (This is the only Official Psych2Go channel in Spanish. Other channels like Sapiencia Práctica, for example, use the content of our original Psych2Go channel, independently.) • -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- • |00:00| Introduction • |00:38| 1. You are very curious • |01:14| 2. You learn quickly • |02:18| 3. You are intense • |03:02| 4. You are a perfectionist • |03:36| 5. You have a wide range of interests • |04:11| 6. You have an intense imagination • |04:45| 7. You self-direct • |05:10| 8. You are eccentric • |05:30| 9. You love ideas • |05:57| Conclusion


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