CirculEgg Antropia ESSEC et les Antropiens 2020
Antropia ESSEC, l’accélérateur d’entreprises sociales de l’ESSEC Business School, vous présente Circul'Egg, qui a intégré la promotion 2020 aux côtés de 19 autres structures à impact social et environnemental. • Dans une démarche de bioéconomie circulaire, Circul’Egg offre une seconde vie aux coquilles d’œufs rejetées par les casseries. • Circul'Egg a rejoint le programme Start Up d’Antropia ESSEC, un programme en 12 mois pour modéliser son offre, valider son concept et se projeter à 3 ans. Ce programme est ouvert aux entreprises et aux associations à fort impact social/environnemental crées il y a moins de 2 ans et qui ont déjà prototypé leur produit ou leur solution. • Pour en savoir plus : • • • • Subscribe to our channel for more videos: • ► Who are we? • Founded in 1907 in Paris, ESSEC Business School is a center of academic excellence underpinned by its faculty’s research. The school’s reputation is built on a pioneering spirit that shapes both • its scientific ambitions and its pedagogical approach, and is reflected in its extensive alumni community. • The mission of ESSEC Business School is to create and disseminate cutting-edge knowledge, to train and develop bold pioneers and influential leaders for both the business world • and society as a whole. ESSEC Business School encourages students and participants in its programs to anticipate – and meet – the economic, managerial, social, environmental • and ethical challenges of an increasingly uncertain world. The school helps them achieve complex goals by leveraging technology with a human touch. • ► Our channel offers testimonies, academic videos from ESSEC Business School such as courses, conferences, seminars, programs informations and all you need to know about us. • ► Find us on: • Official Website: • ESSEC Knowledge website: • Instagram: / essecbs • Twitter: / essec • Facebook: / essec • LinkedIn: / essec-business-school • Google+: