The 5 Types of Animation
UPDATED KRITA TUTORIAL IS HERE - • FREE 2D ANIMATION SOFTWARE / HOW TO A... • Download Krita - • -UPDATE!- • The old website for ffmpeg has shut down so i've linked the ffmpeg files I used for both mac and windows below. Just enter £0 to download. If they don't work for you, you can always export as a PNG sequence and bring that into an editing program. I use the free version of Davinci Resolve :) • FFMPEG FOR MAC - • FFMPEG FOR WINDOWS - • NEW FFMPEG SITE - • Download Handbrake - • Beginner Graphics Tablet - • Microphone - • IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! (Onion skin FAQ!) • 1. when you open up a file you need to make a new layer and animate on that. the default layer krita opens with will be 'filled in' so the onion skin won't work with that as it needs a transparent layer (any new layer you make will be transparent!). • 2. when you start animating on the new layer you need to make a new blank keyframe every time you want to draw something new (right click on the timeline - select 'create blank frame') otherwise it'll just edit the drawing you have. • 3. have the lightbulb activated on the layer you want it to work on (timeline panel) • 4. in the animation panel there'll be a icon that looks like an onion, click it, and then select the '1' either side of the '0' to show the next and previous frames. you can select more and adjust the opacity levels of each. • ------------------------------------------------------------ • RECOMMENDED DRAWING TABLETS (Beginners) • ⚡NON-SCREEN DRAWING TABLET - • ⚡SCREEN DRAWING TABLET - • ------------------------------------------------------------ • ⚡kdsketch Tutorials - / kdsketch • ⚡kdsketch Animations - • ------------------------------------------------------------ • ⚡SOCIALS ⚡ • INSTAGRAM: / kdsketch • TWITTER: / kdsketch • DISCORD: / discord • PATREON: / kdsketch • ⚡WHAT I USE TO ANIMATE + FILM⚡ • Animation Software - TVPaint 11 Pro • Audio software - Audacity • Editing Software - Davinci Resolve • Drawing Tablet - • Blue Yeti Mic - • Foam Muffler - • Filming Camera - • ⚡STREAMING @kdsketch on Youtube⚡ • Streaming software - OBS (free) • Wave 3 Mic - • Microphone Arm - • Webcam - • Links used in this description may be affiliate links, which means if you decide to purchase through one of those links, you won't pay any extra but I will get a small commission that helps support the channel! Thank you so much! • ** • Following on from my 2D animation software video, I made a tutorial on how to animate in Krita. I really hope this helps someone, Krita isn't my main animation software (which is TVPaint 11 PRO) so all these tips were things I figured out as I went along :) • It wasn't 100% smooth sailing in Krita, there were a few bugs and sometimes the brush lost pressure sensitivity (fixed by switching to a new one and then back again, weirdly), though I'm not quite sure whether it was because of my laptop or a bug in the software.Also make sure that the layer you're animating on is transparent and that the layer in the timeline panel has the little lightbulb activated, otherwise, your onion skin won't work! • Sara Tepes - • Ed Tadeo -