How To Destroy A YouTubers Reputation
NOTE: Content Cop is one of the most popular series on the internet, and certainly the most popular consistent web series on all of YouTube, with each video easily passing 10 to 15 million views, and exploding Idubbbz channel from a few hundred thousand subscribers, to 6 million just a few years after the inception of the series. Idubbbz, and many others, create character assassinations and hit pieces on other YouTubers, in an effort to show their audiences how bad someone's content is or how they are a questionable person, among other things, which I find very interesting, particularly because I too have made videos in the past such as “The Problems With Kavos” and “The Problems With ImAllexx,” and I have no doubt that I will make more videos about other creators in the future. In this video, I will try to explain how anyone can take down another YouTuber’s channel or reputation, granted you need to have a certain skill set and talent to begin with to do it. I can’t say for sure if all of my steps will work, as I have never personally destroyed another YouTuber’s reputation successfully, apart from a small amount of sub loss, which I talked about in the video. However, I think that if you follow the steps carefully enough, take into consideration what I have said and what other creators have done, then you can easily take down another YouTuber. Good luck. (Also thanks so much to JoshIsBroken for editing the audio for this video, check him out). • Links: • Twitter- / turkeytom • Discord- / discord • Josh: / @mxchamber • Other Videos From Me: • The Problems With ImAllexx: • The Problems With ImAllexx • The Problems With Kavos: • The Problems With Kavos • Idubbbz: / idubbbztv • Kavos: / @kavosss • ImAllexx: / imallexx • LeafyIsHere: / leafyishere • SHORT VIDEO DESCRIPTION: YouTube is a very fickle thing, something that I feel a lot of creators tend to forget over the course of their time on this website. It does take lots of hard work to get anywhere and become successful, no matter how good your content is, but it can just as easily be swept out from under you, and you’ll be left with fleeting social blade numbers, a dead channel, and any time you try to say anything anywhere on the internet, at least one person will hate you, despite having never met you and you having never met them, they in their ever so intelligent hearts have a very strong distaste for you, and probably for good reason. But these people likely didn’t develop that opinion of you on their own, chances are someone convinced them that you are an undesirable human being, and that person is likely an entertainer, someone else on this website who made them think this way. Though many people have tried to destroy another youtubers credibility, both to astonishing success and crippling failure, a few people have risen above the rest, some which have fallen out of favor recently and some which are still chugging along to this day. I find these people very interesting, and in this video will try to analyze them to tell you, yes you, how to destroy a YouTuber’s reputation. • Subscribe to the podcast here: • Trying to get the podcast to 1,000 subs lets do it babes. • CHANNEL UPDATE/NOTE: Well then…. I uploaded. Been over a month since my 10K special, sorry for not posting for so long, just been busy with IRL stuff, sort of focused too much on YouTube for a while there. But I’m learning to balance my time better, so after this video I plan to post 2 more in the following weeks, then I’ll need another 3 week break because I have exams soon and I need to focus on that for a while, study, and not get distracted. Nevertheless, I will be back after exams, uploading once or twice a week for the foreseeable future, and things will probably slow down around october or so. Thanks for watching, and thanks for your continued support, bye for now.