Sony BMG Music Entertainment variant Home Entertainment 2006
Variant to the first logo of Sony-BMG's home video division, Sony BMG Music Entertainment Home Entertainment. Sony BMG Music Entertainment (now Sony Music) is a multinational record label which was originally known as CBS Music until it was sold to Sony Corporation of Japan, in 1987. The company renamed to Sony Music Entertainment in 1991 and later in 2004 merged (50–50 joint music enterprise venture) with Bertelsmann Music Group to form Sony BMG Music Entertainment. In 2008 Sony Corporation agreed to buy Bertelsmann AG's 50 percent stake in the music company for $1.2 billion to get full control. The music company was renamed Sony Music Entertainment and became a unit of Sony Corporation of America. • Sony Music is one of the Big Four music companies and has offices in over 40 countries around the world. Its global headquarters are located in New York, NY. • Find out more about Sony Music Entertainment at • • • The content of this channel is provided for informational and archiving purposes. No copyright infringement intended. Videos being uploaded for research and educational purposes only. Under the Copyright Law article Fair Use .