LINTERNATIONALE Marc Ogeret sings in French with English and French lyrics onscreen
L'INTERNATIONALE all 6 verses sung in French with French and English Lyrics • One viewer has said that the fourth line out to be C'est l'éruption de la faim instead of C'est l'éruption de la fin. Both are used, both make sense, and both are grammatically correct. My hearing (and my French) are not astute enough to tell which M Ogeret is singing, so take your pick • Here is part of my May Day message from my Facebook page. 1 May 2018 • My dear Friends, Readers, Comrades, Followers, Ghosts, Fellow Travelers, Workers on both the Right and the Left, and, of course, my fellow Anarchists, • Here it is, May Day again already. I'm in the USA, one of the few nations not to celebrate Worldwide Workers Day. I celebrate in my own way. It [L'Internationale] is a song of great hope with a belief in our future that is badly needed today. Yes, the president is a psychopathetic, fascist demagogue with delusions of godhood and lot of ready cash, hardly a worker and has no understanding or caring for workers that I can see, but, really, what do you expect of a government? We the People are responsible for ourselves and if we don't like the way things are, it is our responsibility, our duty, to change them. So, get up off your sorry asses and get to work. I am no closer to being a real Working Class Hero than I was last year, but I keep soldiering on, hoping someday I'll arrive. • In the clearing stands a boxer • And a fighter by his trade • And he carries the reminders • Of ev'ry glove that laid him down • Or cut him till he cried out • In his anger and his shame • I am leaving, I am leaving • But the fighter still remains. • Yeah, this fighter still remains • #tfsr1 • Hey, comrades, fellow travellers, friends, and the 12 nut cases who don't like this video. Look at this! We have over 100,000 views. Not exactly viral; it's taken over 5 years. Still I am happy people are hearing this wonderful rendition of L'Internationale and enjoying the meaning of the words in both languages. • Socialist Agitators!! Communist Revolutionaries!! Bomb-throwing Anarchists! Disgruntled Workers of all sorts! Activist slackards! Trouble-making anarchists! All disaffected humans! Join in our song of joy and hope. (Animals welcome, too! Of course!) • I am astonished that this video has over 90,000 hits. I feel like my time and energy was well spent in making it and posting it. I thank all you good Comrades. Keep moving and be aware. Fascism is again on the rise. Already India is governed by a fascist regime, and one of the candidates for President is a psychopathic, fascist demagogue with a lot of ready cash. The other candidate isn't so hot either. This is a crucial time for us. • • Thank all of you for giving this video over 60,000 hits, by far the most of any of mine. Of course, the others are of no real importance, more just for fun things. This one is public service. • I AM THE 99% OCCUPY!! • The anthem of the workers, the socialists, the communists, the anarchists and the progressive movement sung as it was written by Eugène Pottier. • I first heard this wonderful recording of L'Internationale, the immortal song of the Workers, on the channel of iwanttobelieve. I think the addition of on-screen lyrics and a reasonably good translation will help in the understanding and appreciation of the message that is being conveyed. I can find no sung translation that does justice to the power and the poetry of the original French. I have resisted the temptation of adding pictures so that the words can speak for themselves without distraction. It's worth googling on Marc Ogeret, though; he's pretty awesome-looking. • I was inspired to actually go to the work of putting this together now by the current Worldwide Workers' Rebellion of 2011. I know the definition of worker is being stretched to include all of the 99% of us who are not super rich financially. The more the merrier, I guess. • From early childhood, a goal of mine is to be a working class hero. This video is a small step in that direction . • May we live to see the day when the sun will shine always. • I also use L'Internationale as the background of my video for INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 2013. I hope you enjoy that video, too. It's not a masterpiece, but I had fun making it. And it makes a point. • • INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 2013