The best ergonomic chair for digital artists HÅG Capisco review
I have spent a long time looking for the ultimate chair for drawing tablet users such as myself. Digital Artists have different needs to many others so I created this short 5 point check list to help me find the perfect seat for my studio. Links bellow. I hope you like the HÅG Capisco as much as I do and I can't wait to hear your thoughts in the comments below let me know what chair you're using! • PRODUCT: • Get 15% off the HÅG Capisco 8106 chair at Posturite – use voucher code LMHAG in the shopping basket for your discount to apply • This is the 8106 model and the fabric colour is 'Gabriel Comfort+' 67001. • Until next time, keep on painting! • Lawrence. • ** Subscribe to My Channel for More Art tutorials reviews ** • / @lawrencecandraw • ===================================================== • To view my portfolio and keep up to date with all of my latest goings on, make sure to pop over and say Hi at which ever social media hub is closest to your heart! • My portfolio Website: • • FaceBook: / lawrence.can.draw • Twitter: / lawrencecandraw • LinkedIn: / lawrencecandraw