Oddworld The Movie
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=kELXBNjsgrw
Inspired by Oddworld Inhabitants own Abe's Exoddus The Movie from 1998, I decided, out of curiosity, to see if I could cut together the cutscenes of the Oddworld games created by Lorne Lanning to create a concise story that makes sense by itself, standing on it's own, comprising the stories of Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus and Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. • Though, the main reason I did it was due to me starting to 'restore', as I seemingly put it, some Odd World footage of cut scenes of the original games and Munches Odyssey to see how good quality I could get it. I was quite impressed how various methods can make the footage much clearer detail and smoother FPS rates than I'm used to watching them in and remember while watching the bit of the Mudokon drinking Soulstorm Brew from Director Phleg thinking 'man, you could create a film with this quality'. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not like insane quality by any means but compared to what it used to look like on PS1 I'd say it's a pretty good improvement. I started putting it in my videos and a few people have had the suggestion that I upload the footage. So I decided to put this plan into play, as if I'm gonna release it all in one go I wanted to at least do it somewhat creatively! • That being said, it sounds like quite a simple task but in reality was a far bigger project then just splicing clips together. Took me like a month to do this, somehow. Altogether I wouldn't be surprised if I spent at least 40 hours rendering footage. Bare in mind though, that I've used as much of the original footage as I can, but there are a lot of scenes where I didn't have it in high quality and don't currently have a method of getting this. As a result, I used a lot of footage from Oddworld: New N' Tasty to fill in the gaps. But that's where a lot more of the time was spent making the film, as I somewhat heavily edited the footage of Oddworld New And Tasty in order to make it have a grittier and darker tone, both to match the original games and also just because a critcism of the New N' Tasty movies were that they were too bright and colourful, in comparison to Oddworld Abes Oddysey. That being said, the New N' Tasty films were really great and added a lot more that wasn't in Abe's Oddysee, like the extensive scenes of Paramonia and Scrabania which I really enjoyed a lot. I find it a shame that I didn't have much Oddworld Abes Exodus footage and as a result it plays a significantly smaller part of the story of this film. • Anyway, though, as I've previously said, I wanted Oddworld The Movie to stand on it's own. What I mean by that, is I wanted to, with this fanfilm, tell the story of Oddworld in a way that makes as much sense as it can to someone who's never played an Oddworld game. Not that the games don't make sense or anything but they are games and that's how the story was designed to be told with these cutscenes, meaning I had to be really careful how I cut it together to ensure there's as few blank spots in the story as possible, that are normally filled in via gameplay. As a result, I made tons of changes, even ones that are potentially easy to miss. • Well, the story as it's displayed in this Oddworld Movie (or at least how I tried to make it be based on how I cut it) is basically as follows: Oh wait, I just realised I forgot to mention the opening scene. Yeah, so basically I wanted this nice cinematic Computer Generated Imagery shot of the planet Oddworld to start off the film.... alas I am terrible at CGI and so you get that weird shot at the beginning. But as I knew it was gonna look terrible I made it more 'artistically interesting', as in whereas I originally planned to have like a generic 'pan and zoom into the planet' type shot, I decided to add more to it. There's symbolism there and it represents something, though I'm not going to say what because that kind of ruins the point of symbolism. Anyhow, I couldn't be bothered to make it look any better and just left it in mainly for audio reasons I think. So, anyway, the film starts off with the same story as Abe's Oddysee. Abe escapes. Then the opening of Munch's Oddysee. Munch gets captured. Then Abe sees the moon, falls, dies and is revived by Big Face who gives him visions. During these visions, while Abe's mind is open, many entities visit him. The Three Weirdos tell Abe about Necrum and what the Glukkons are doing with Soulstorm Brewery and the Mudokons. Then Abe gets a vision (maybe) of what's going on with Munch. Then Abe wakes up, has to do the trials, etc. Which, by the way, the indication with Munch is that Irwin is like 'I'm gonna get Munch's lungs', then later we see Munch being transported to Humphrey who puts the sonar in and Irwin is like 'wth I was gonna get his lungs'. Anyhow I'm running out of space so I'll wrap this up. Scenes show Abe entering each temple, then sees Sligs desecrating. Abe, Munch get power. Abe destroys Soulstorm Brewery. Then RF. Ok bye. • 12:34 09/01/2022 8316