GMMK Pro vs KBD67 Lite Silent Alpacas Sound Test and More
Two accessible entry-level keyboards that have gained a ton of popularity and for good reason. • Keyboard details: • GMMK Pro (using only 6 out of the 12 screws to attach the pcb to the plate) • Polycarbonate plate • Silent Alpaca Linears w Krytox 205g0, Deskeys Films, Durock 63.5g Slow Springs w Krytox GPL 105 • AliExpress Cherry BoW Dye-Sub PBT • OA Stabilizers from Wuque Studio w Krytox 205g0 • KBD67 Lite • Polycarbonate plate • Silent Alpaca Linears w Krytox 205g0, Deskeys Films, Durock 63.5g Slow Springs w Krytox GPL 105 • KBDFans Cherry Grey Dye-Sub PBT • Cherry Screw-In Stabilizers w Krytox 205g0 • Sound test details: • Recorded using a Beyerdynamic TG V35d s. Mic is mounted on a c-stand and placed over the keyboard roughly 6 inches away. • Some more rambling: • I used Kailh Box Blacks for nearly a year, and I also used the Silent Alpacas with their stock springs for a few months. The spring swap to slow springs is really nice and definitely worth it. The Durock 63.5g Slow Spring has the heavy actuation force of the Kailh Box Blacks with the effortless of the stock Silent Alpaca spring. These slow springs are measured at 59g actuation and 63.5g bottom out. Once you just slightly get past the point of activation, the rest of the force you have to apply in order to bottom out is very minimal. It feels very MacBook Pro keyboard like in its force curve • 0:00 GMMK Pro sound test • 1:06 KBD67 Lite sound test • 2:08 Thoughts and comparison • Shot on iPhone • Music by Harris Heller under Senpai Music Group, LLC