Introduction Part 1 Somatic TrackingExpression for Chronic PainSymptoms


One of the ways to access the mind-body connection for chronic pain and other chronic symptoms is to practice what we call somatic tracking. I have learned this technique from Dr. Schubiner, M.D. and Alan Gordon LCSW as well as from my experience in practicing Vipassana and mindfulness meditation. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways of combining the power of the mind with the body for healing. I go over some of the details here before you should review for entering the practice in Part 2- which is here: •    • Part 2: Somatic Tracking Practice/Exp...   • Jim Prussack, physical therapist started The Pain PT to help people suffering with chronic pain and other chronic health ailments. The Pain PT uses mind-body techniques to target the brain and nervous system for healing. You can find out more at


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