Chest Trauma Management in Emergency Medvarsity


Chest trauma management in emergency settings focuses on quickly identifying and treating injuries that can threaten a patient’s life. These injuries often include rib fractures, lung punctures, or injuries to the heart, and they can result from accidents or sudden falls. The first priority is to ensure the patient has an open airway, is breathing properly, and has stable circulation (often referred to as the ABCs of trauma care). • Immediate actions include oxygen administration, controlling any external bleeding, and, if necessary, performing procedures like needle decompression for a collapsed lung (pneumothorax) or chest tube insertion to drain blood or air. • Dr. Annu Yadav, Emergency Physician, Max Super Specialty Hospital, Gurgaon, explains about the chest trauma management in emergency. • #chesttrauma #trauma #emergencymedicine #traumamanagement #injuries #accidents #emergency #medicalemergency #medicalmanagement #decompression #lungs #pneumothorax #assimilate • To know more or find more such videos please visit: • Click On The Link To Follow Us On: • Facebook -   / medvarsity   • Instagram -   / medvarsity_online   • LinkedIn -   / mycompany   • Telegram -


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