School Guidance Counselor Roleplay ASMR
The school guidance counselor roleplay was made thanks to a very intelligent request. It just clicked with me and I wanted to make it because of some past experiences with advisors in schools I went to. It would either be their soft spoken voice or the way they typed on the keyboard and clicked on the mouse… I’m getting sleepy just thinking about it! I also wanted to add a different form of editing which I’ve never tried before and that was using two different cameras pointed at other angles to give it that full cinematic effect and point of view. I thought the up close shots would create more triggers hopefully? Another thanks now, to the 60,000 of you poopsies who have subscribed to me on this channel. • • Audio used at the very end: • • You may find me all over social media: • Instagram: / asmrer • Facebook: / asmrer • Twitter: / asmrer • Blog: