Athenas Challenge Greece Side Quest Diggys Adventure
Walkthrough of Athena's Challenge in Diggy's Adventure. Complete clearing video with all puzzles, treasures and bonuses if any. This is a side quest in the Hades questline in greece. • Guide Timestamps: • 1:55 - Pulling levers next to the statues. • 3:24 - Mirror puzzle with 4 laser beams. • 10:22 - Quiz question 1. • 11:07 - Quiz question 2. • 11:55 - Quiz question 3. • 12:32 - Quiz question 4. • 14:19 - Putting the 9 colored stones in place. • 16:17 - Reward time! • 18:48 - Hidden area with a treasure part • 19:23 - Turn the mirrors, move stones aside and activate the 2 receivers to unlock the treasure. • Subscribe for more such videos.