Moral Relativism vs Objectivism Part 2 Objections
@DerekLMcAllister Just agree to disagree? Not so fast! Some professors won't teach on Moral Relativism, because it's so bankrupt as a theory. But I do, because it's so deeply entrenched in our everyday minds. • Make sure you check out Part 1 ( • Moral Relativism vs. Objectivism - Pa... ), where I discuss the theory of Moral Relativism itself in some detail! • Part 3 ( • The Reality of Youth Engagement: A Cl... ) = where I reply to comments! • #philosophy, #Christianity, #religiousbelief, #history, #epistemology, #epistemic, #teaching, #seculareducation, #Christiantheologicalanthropology, #VirtueEthics, #MoralRelativism, #MoralObjectivism, #MoralAbsolutism, #MoralAbsolutes, #agreetodisagree, #justgetalong, #cantwealljustgetalong, #mytruth, #mytruthvsyourtruth, #morality, #ethics, #holocaust, #slavery, #NaziGermany, #morallaw, #moralcode, #myopinion, #justyouropinion, #whosright • Please like, subscribe, and share! :)