Lukumí and Yorùbá in Comparison
This is a small video comparing the pronunciation of Lukumí from Cuba to Yorùbá from Nigeria. The speakers are from Havana and Ondo City. • See for translations into English and traducciones en Español! • Some of the Lukumí words have a very clear root in a single Yorùbá word, other interpretations of complete phrase or fragments from prayers remain more speculative. Meanings of words also might have changed slightly in the diaspora, tone patterns or vowels got lost and different dialects and traditions also show their influence. This is not a scientific linguistic study, there might be errors - “mo n try”. • This video is an illustration of how close the different branches of Yorùbá culture are still today. The Orisha live and are loved across the Ocean, surviving even times of slavery and severe oppression. The positive message of this video should be: We are one! • Oloriṣ/ch/x/sha Unite!