Easy Workflow for Sculpting Tabletop Miniatures in ZBrush VOLUME FORM amp DETAIL
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=kVW6dOJzEBE
Watch as I build an iconic Relicblade character in ZBrush using very simple brushes and tools to get excellent results. This video isn't exactly a tutorial, but if you understand some of the basics of zbrush it will illuminate my laid back approach to sculpture. Everything is built from dynamesh spheres. I primarily use Clay Buildup, Trim Dynamic, and Orb Cracks (You can get orb cracks here https://orb.gumroad.com/l/nOkHw) brushes. • DETAILED NOTES: • You will hear me repeat these three things over and over: Volume, Form(shapes), and Detail. • VOLUME: I use clay buildup to work out volumes. I also switch to the Move brush and make it huge to push and pull parts. This is extremely important for your three dimensional work. The parts need to take up the right amount of space. • FORM: Trim Dynamic is my chaotic friend for stylized shapes. I switch between Trim Dynamic and Clay Buildup to refine the volume and define the form! You want iconic shapes? Then you've gotta get in there and mash them into place! • DETAIL: Your artist brain has been working overtime throughout this whole process, but now it's time to render those details. I like to cut into the shapes with Orb Cracks, its a lot like DamStandard, but a little more stylized. This is when you get to start considering more information about materials and stuff. But it's also a key step relating back to Volume and Form. So throughout the whole process you've gotta keep coming back to the Volume Form Detail mantra. • You can find my miniatures at Relicblade.com • Ok. Love you. Let me know if you have any questions.