Minipe Anicutමිණිපේමනිමේඛලා අමුණ
The Minipe Ela Scheme was extended to a total length of 47 miles (75 kilometers), during the reign of King Sena II (853-887 CE), when an augmentation scheme was also provided to Mahakandarawa reservoir by a dam near Maradankadawela. • Minipe was part of ancient Binthanne area. The name Minipe came about due to abundant gems found in area meaning “mine district” or “gem district”. Its populous prosperity and renown was disclosed at the time Spillberg, the Dutch Admiral, passed through on his way to see the King in 1602, and on this occasion, great quantities of gems procured from the Minipe district were sold to his men by the people (Brohier, 1980). • #shorts #nature #irrigation #irrigation_dept_assam #srilanka #visitsrilanka #travellingvlog #traveling #kandysrilanka #river #collapse #dam #construction