Boiling Point Elevation of Urea and Diethylene Glycol using Aquadest as Solvent


Boiling point elevation (Tb) is the temperature formed when the vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the external pressure experienced by the liquid, or simply this boiling point can also be referred to as the condition when a solvent or solution is in a boiling condition which causes evaporation occurs in all parts of the solvent or solution. In this experiments, the material that being used are aquadest, urea and diethylene glycol. This experiment aims to study and determine the molal boiling point elevation constant (Kd) of solvent, calculate the molecul relative mass of diethylene glycol and identify the effect of solute concentration on the boiling point elevation of solution. The urea and diethylene glycol solution's boiling point (Tb) was found to be higher than the solvent's pure Tb boiling point. In the meantime, the diethylene glycol solution's boiling point is higher than the urea solution's by. This is because the type of solute used influences the ΔTb obtained, and the higher the solute concentration, the higher the ΔTb of a solution. • The calculated data yielded a Kd value of 1.5045 g/mol (the determined molal boiling point elevation) and a molecular weight of 83.85 g/mol for the non-volatile chemical, diethylene glycol. The vapor pressure of the solution drops when a solute that is difficult to evaporate (non-volatile) is present, raising the boiling point of the solution over the solvent's boiling point. With the understanding that it was influenced by a number of variables, such as observer error, room temperature, flame intensity, and instruments that retained heat from earlier trials, the percentage error that was acquired was 20.8962%. • Student: • A Hidayat Nurwahid • • If you require any further information, feel free to contact me • Dr. Heri Septya Kusuma, S.Si., M.T. • #16/92 - Top 2% Scientist in the World: Single Year Impact 2022-2023 • Department of Chemical Engineering • Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta • Email 1: [email protected] • Email 2: [email protected] • (h-index: 33) • • (h-index: 27) • (h-index: 37) • (h-index: 35)


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