Hurricane Harvey is the Unprecedented rainfall caused by Climate Change BBC News
When it comes to the causes of Hurricane Harvey, climate change is not a smoking gun. • However, there are a few spent cartridge cases marked global warming in the immediate vicinity. • Hurricanes are complex, naturally occurring beasts - extremely difficult to predict, with or without the backdrop of rising global temperatures. • The scientific reality of attributing a role to climate change in worsening the impact of hurricanes is also hard to tease out simply because these are fairly rare events and there is not a huge amount of historical data. • But there are some things that we can say with a good deal of certainty. • There's a well-established physical law, the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, that says that a hotter atmosphere holds more moisture. • For every extra degree Celsius in warming, the atmosphere can hold 7% more water. This tends to make rainfall events even more extreme when they occur. • Another element that we can mention with some confidence is the temperature of the seas. • Please subscribe HERE • World In Pictures • World in pictures | BBC News • Big Hitters • Playlist • Just Good News • Positive stories | BBC News