Part1 Letters from Sri Ramanasramam by Suri Nagamma


Subscribers to the Mystic Scribe Channel have begun to ask about other Services I might offer. • • My name is Michael and besides sharing the wisdom of the Spiritual Masters on this Channel, I've been immersed for 30 years in the healing arts, offering touch therapies, spiritual mentoring and holistic health coaching. This life journey has brought forth earnestness and surrender fueling the spiritual path, while testing my resolve and deepening my understanding of chronic health issues, and their holistic treatment. • I've also spent over 20 years as a palliative-based, hospice and private, end-of-life caregiver (beginning in 2001). For more information about the Services I offer, see my Website-blog 'Services page' for more information: • • • • Suri Nagamma (1902-80), during the closing years of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s bodily existence, his silent radiance and incomparable teachings attracted thousands of seekers to his Ashram in South India. Suri Nagamma was the chosen instrument to cast the immortal sayings of this illumined, divine personality onto paper and to paint an exquisite picture of a Rishi’s life in modern times. She did this in the form of 273 letters to her brother- written during 1945-50. • Sri D. S. Sastri, her brother translated them from Telugu for the benefit of the English-reading public. They cover the last five years of the Master’s earthly life, and are of particular relevance because they were shown to Bhagavan prior to being mailed. There is no other book from this period that captures so well the enlightened personality and profound sayings of the Master. • B. V. Sastri from the Introduction: • Nagamma had no school education worth mention and does not know any language other than her mother tongue, Telugu. During her early years, owing to domestic calamities and consequent enforced solitude, she studied books of ancient lore and thereby acquired some literary knowledge which resulted in her writing a few books in prose and poetry. When, however, she became an Ashramite, she renounced everything including her literary activities. Sitting at the feet of the Master, day in and day out, she felt an irresistible urge to record the discussions devotees were having with Bhagavan and, as she began recording them, found that the work was a sort of sadhana for herself and so began writing them in the shape of letters in Telugu to her brother in Madras. 273 letters were thus written. • I read these letters over and over again on different occasions, but never did I realize the depth of wisdom and knowledge contained in the cryptic sayings of Bhagavan until I had to sit up and translate them. I have also found throughout the letters the great trials and tribulations Nagamma had undergone in trying to live up to the high ideals of the Asramam. The letters are a veritable mine of information presented in a simple and easily understandable manner and are well worth a careful study not only by the spiritual aspirant but also by the lay reader. • • Thumbnail: Suri Nagamma at Ramanasramam in the 1940s


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