Yharon Boss Fight Changes Terraria Calamity Mod Rust and Dust 145 Update

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=kcuj8VCpiLc

The Yharon the Jungle Dragon boss fight changed in the Terraria Calamity Rust and Dust Update. Yharon has several new attacks and AI that make the boss fight mechanics even more fun and challenging. • I am currently doing a Terraria Calamity Death Mode rogue playthrough, so be sure to check the let's play series out! • I have been inspired to create Terraria content on YouTube and play Terraria again in 2020 inspired by PewDiePie Terraria live streams, ChippyGaming/ChippysCouch, HappyDays, and Leviathan. I've also gotten back into building after being inspired by the terraria building videos from Khaios. I've done a few builds, and there will be more terraria building videos to come! I recently finished a Terraria 1.4 Journey's End Master Mode Melee playthrough and have started a Death Mode Calamity Rogue playthrough! • Be sure to check out my other videos like the Magnus the Mage Death Mode Calamity playthrough and the Anna the Archer Revengeance Mode bow ranger Terraria Calamity playthrough series. I also post Calamity weapon and item showcase videos for endgame weapons like the Ark of the Cosmos, Eternity, Gael's Greatsword, Ataraxia, Dragon Pow, Exoblade, Exo Gladius, Gael's Greatsword, Drataliornus, Heavenly Gale, Subsuming Vortex, Celestus, Supernova, Animus, Azathoth, Contagion, The Dance of Light, Earth, Endogenesis, Illustrious Knives, Nanoblack Reaper, Red Sun, Voidragon, Scarlet Devil, Soma Prime, Crystyl Crusher, Svantechnical, Triactis' True Paladinian Mage-Hammer of Might, Vehemence, Temporal Umbrella, Apotheosis, Last Prism, Dark Spark, Yharim's Crystal, Zenith, Celebration MK2, Terraspark boots, Queen Slime, Empress of Light, Terraprisma and more! • Here are the gear and buffs I use when testing endgame weapons: Auric Tesla armor, Asgardian Aegis, Celestial Tracers, The Community, The Sponge, Core of the Blood God, Elemental Gauntlet, and Rampart of Deities. I also use Luiafk unlimited combat buffs, Profaned Rage Potions, Holy Wrath Potions, Yharim's Stimulants, and the Draconic Elixir • Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic. • • #Terraria #Calamity


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