ARDEX K 15® Premium SelfLeveling Underlayment Prodcast®


ARDEX K 15® Premium Self-Leveling Underlayment - Prodcast®. For details or information about ARDEX Academy product training, go to or call your local ARDEX Sales Professional at 888-512-7339. • After more than 30 years of unparalleled performance, ARDEX K 15® Premium Self-Leveling Underlayment remains the most specified self-leveling underlayment in North America. ARDEX K 15 is extremely versatile; allowing for installs over most any substrate. It can be poured or pumped and installs up to one and a half inches neat, and up to five inches when extended with aggregate. It can also be featheredged to meet existing elevations. ARDEX K 15 is extremely fast. You can walk on it in just two to three hours, install moisture-insensitive tile and stone after only six hours, and install all other floor coverings after just 16 hours. For years, ARDEX K 15 has been installed on commercial and retail projects for its speed and quality; as well as government and medical projects, where failure is not an option. Even in the most demanding environments, flooring professionals turn to ARDEX K 15 as a highly trusted, fast-track solution for a smooth, flat surface done right the first time…every time! • Before beginning any installation, please review the full product technical data sheet available at Follow proper safety procedures as per the product Safety Data Sheet. As certain ARDEX products contain quartz sand, please review our recommendations for the installation of ARDEX products with consideration to the new OSHA Standard on quartz sand / crystalline silica. These can be found in our “ARDEX Products and OSHA Silica Standard Housekeeping guidelines” at


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