Schumann Album für die Jugend Op68 complete wscore


My new recording of Robert Schumann's Album für die Jugend, Op.68, composed in 1848. For decades, I had all but sniffed at this collection, thinking it childish and inferior to Tchaikovsky's similarly named collection (for some reason one tends to compare the two). How wrong could I be ! Having only tried the first few pieces, and being deceived by their somewhat bland simplicity, I had no idea that later on Schumann achieves real depth and poetry, and that many items would prove to be anything but easy. Consequently, learning and recording the whole set was not quite the breeze I had thought it would be. But worth the trouble. Many pieces in this collection are as good as anything in Kinderszenen. • This is my first attempt at split-screen video with score. This being new to me, the result is a bit clumsy, and it took me an inordinate amount of time to complete. Unless I find a more efficient way to make this type of video (possibly involving better hardware), I don't think I will do this again any time soon though - it's just too much like work. I hope this will be useful to some who wish to learn this music. Should you decide to use this as a guide, please don't try to copy my fingering, which is truly appalling at times. My fingers seem to find their own way, with much semi-automatic changing on-the-key as needed (this has become a second nature to me, and it's both a curse and a blessing). I also have not heeded any metronome marks, and am not influenced by any other interpretations, preferring to wholly go my own way with this music. • Chris Breemer, piano • • 1. 0:00:12 Melodie • 2. 0:01:16 Soldatenmarsch • 3. 0:02:13 Trällerliedchen • 4. 0:03:12 Ein Choral • 5. 0:04:41 Stückchen • 6. 0:05:36 Armes Weisenkind • 7. 0:07:06 Jägerliedchen • 8. 0:08:16 Wilder Reiter • 9. 0:08:52 Volksliedchen • 10. 0:10:19 Fröhlicher Landmann, von der Arbeit zurückkehrend • 11. 0:11:09 Sizilianisch • 12. 0:12:53 Knecht Ruprecht • 13. 0:15:15 Mai, lieber Mai, bald bist Du wieder da ! • 14. 0:17:19 Kleine Studie • 15. 0:18:55 Frühlingsgesang • 16. 0:21:36 Erster Verlust • 17. 0:22:58 Kleiner Morgenwanderer • 18. 0:24:26 Schnitterliedchen • 19. 0:25:47 Kleine Romanze • 20. 0:27:01 Ländliches Lied • 21. 0:28:31 * * * • 22. 0:30:16 Rundgesang • 23. 0:32:02 Reiterstück • 24. 0:33:34 Ernteliedchen • 25. 0:35:11 Nachtklänge aus dem Theater • 26. 0:36:53 * * * • 27. 0:39:14 Kanonisches Liedchen • 28. 0:40:51 Erinnerung • 29. 0:42:43 Fremder Mann • 30. 0:45:56 * * * • 31. 0:49:05 Kriegslied • 32. 0:50:58 Sheherazade • 33. 0:53:56 Weinlesezeit-fröhliche Zeit • 34. 0:55:50 Thema • 35. 0:57:46 Mignon • 36. 1:00:15 Lied Italienischer Marinari • 37. 1:01:45 Matrosenlied • 38. 1:04:19 Winterszeit 1 • 39. 1:06:26 Winterszeit 2 • 40. 1:10:24 Kleine Fuge • 41. 1:13:09 Nordisches Lied • 42. 1:15:26 Figurierter Choral • 43. 1:17:13 Sylvesterlied


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