Storage Box 4 PC Games ASMR
Relax as I check the contents of a box I've had stored away. • Please help make my channel the best it can be and become a patron of my work at / relaxingasmr • Have you ever packed things away, thinking you will deal with them later? Well, later has arrived and it's time to revisit the many boxes I have stored away over the years. I'll be making a determination off camera as to the fate of each item I unbox. This is the fourth video in a series that will last as long as I have boxes, or as long as you the viewers, show an interest. • As you will see, the contents of this box was mostly PC Video Games. I'd love to hear what two items from the box you'd keep if you had to get rid of the rest, so please post your choices in the comments section. • You can be a patron of my work by visiting my Patreon page linked below and see how you can play an active role in the success and future of my channel. • / relaxingasmr • • A little about what it is I’m doing in my videos: • Why am I whispering or talking in a soft tone? Because this video is a ASMR relaxation video. What is ASMR? You can see for yourself by visiting the link at the very bottom of this page. • The videos on my You Tube channel portray some of the typical day-to-day things that I do for relaxation, and in some cases, the things I do because I have to. This video was produced with relaxation in mind and hopefully has some ASMR qualities. Stress is harmful to your well-being and in today's fast-passed world, stress relief is more important than ever, and so I hope this video in some way acts as a stress-reliever for those watching, as well as a sleep-aid for anyone having a difficult time going to sleep. • You can follow me at: • / relaxingasmr • / relaxingasmr • You can be a patron of my work by visiting my Patreon page linked below and see how you can play an active role in the success and future of my channel. • / relaxingasmr • ASMR information: •